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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: PRINT! DOCUMENT :: EXHIBIT A :: RE/PRODUCTION and RE/PRESENTATION LAUNCHPAD BROOKLYN 721 FRANKLIN AVENUE BROOKLYN NY OPENING JUNE 14th, 2013 at 6pm Curated by Managing Editor Lynne DeSilva-Johnson with Production Assistance from Ben Wiessner, Taylor Quilty, Kevin William Reed, and Georgia Elrod exhibiting selected artists

  Exit Strata is VERY excited to invite you along on a new (ad)venture, as we team up with the Avant-Classical/Experimental concert series Home Audio to co-curate these monthly evenings of sound and music collaboration. For our first evening together, we tackle Infinite Combinatoriality vs. Animal Language, or simply, HUMANS VS ANIMALS which will take place on July 26th, at 141 Spencer Street, #203, Brooklyn NY. (Doors at 7) Your hosts for the evening will be Mara Mayer, founder of Home Audio, and Lynne DeSilva-Johnson, Exit Strata Editor.   What can I expect? Well: A concert-contest between words and music, in which the lines between instrument, voice, word, sound, animal, and human are blurred. A collaborative, experimental space in which the lines between performer and audience may blur, as well.

1942 Amsterdam Ave NY (212) 862-3680

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