HOAX is a conceptual body of poetry, a tome of disparate but interwoven lyric fragments, sigils, concrete poems, incantations, evocations, objects etc… HOAX, in theory, includes NOCT: The Threshold of Madness (The Atlas Review, 2019), a poetic chronicle of identity-disrepair erased of a popular how-to guide in “black magic.” The piece forms a series incantations centered on anti-queer, anti-black formulations in the source text and features vectorized sample of over two-hundred pages of encoded erasure.
HOAX / SPELLS contains a collection prayer poems and minor evocations toward survival, including several blessings of the implements one might turn to in ritual practice as regular life and several rota-poems. VANTABLACK is a 20-page, at-times prose-blocked, meditation on lived experiences with ghostly matters, dream divination, trauma, imprisonment and the justice system. MATERIA is a collection of ekphrastic poems based off Japanese animator and illustrator Yoshitaka Amano’s Tarot Deck. Several poems have been reimagined off the page and laser-cut onto suede leather performance scrolls.
HOAX / SCROLL is a scroll of vectorized hand-drawn rota-poems and incantations from and formed of MATERIA. The scroll contains rota-poems and incantations used in and measures several feet in length.
HOAX / DECK consists of a hundred and eight poems, each assigned to a star in the night sky based on cosmological arrangements approximated from several alternative mythical sources and mystical sources involving the number one hundred and eight. Each star is a face, is a sense of essence one assumes.
HOAX / MAP is a large-scale rota-poem of a hundred and eight sigil-poems arranged in alignment with the night sky. It may be used to configure the reading of HOAX / DECK and each poem in “Materia” in tandem with the positions of the celestial objects relative to how we perceive them on earth.