- Ivy Johnson’s Born Again and Erick Sáenz’s Susurros a mi Padre were reviewed together by Genève Chao for Anomaly’s ‘Real Chaos Astrology, vol. 7: Presidential Micturition’.
- excerpts from Born Again [July 2018] appear in Apricity Press, Issue 2, in the Wanderer, and in This is Paradise Now. Born Again was selected as one of SPD’s ‘Handpicked’ Books for July 2018.
- excerpts from Susurros [July 2018] appear at Entropy and in Pinball Magazine.
- Jacq Greyja’s chapbook Greater Grave, from the OS 2018 series, was featured in LunaLuna’s “4 Books that focus on Identity and Survival“
- excerpts of Michael Flatt and Derrick Mund’s forthcoming Chlorosis (August 2018) appear in Sink and on Sleeping Fish
- a review of Melissa Eleftherion’s Field Guide to Autobiography [April 2018] appears at Glass Poetry Journal; “Capitalism’s Echolocation” (from that volume) were distributed with subscriptions of Nomadic Coffee this spring. Eleftherion also has work up at Five:2:One Mag and at SWWIM.
- Gabriel Ojeda-Sague’s Jazzercise is a Language [April 2018] was reviewed in Publishers Weekly, and featured on Philly.com / The Philadelphia Inquirer. Ojeda-Sague was the featured poet in Tender-Loin Issue #54 — including an interview and audio / poems from Jazzercise – excerpts also appear at Lambda Literary and at Theme Can. There are terrific interviews with the poet about the book up at the Fanzine, Book Culture, 12 or 20 Questions, and Apiary Magazine. A mini-syllabus of readings related to the book and its themes appears at Entropy.
- Three new poems of Wally Swist’s appear in Tuck magazine. His essay, ‘ORIGINS OF THE INNER VOICE: DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DIVINITY, CONSCIOUSNESS, AND MADNESS,’ which appears in the forthcoming Singing for Nothing: Selected Nonfiction as Literary Memoir, was shortlisted for the Adelaide Voices Best Essay 2018 Award. *”ANXIETY: NOT BEING NEEDED & WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT” from this volume appears at Still Harbor, and “Anxiety & Synchronicity: Living in the Real World” appears in Adelaide Literary Magazine.
- blake nemec’s Sharing Plastic was reviewed in Publisher’s Weekly.
- The Operating System has been listed in Entropy mag’s “Best of 2017″ Presses, Magazines, Publishers and Journals list, and Margaret Rhee’s Love, Robot also selected as one of the mag’s Best Poetry Books & Poetry Collections of 2017. We’re also grateful to be listed as one of the “Presses That Slayed” in 2017, in Joanna Valente’s year end list.
- Two new interviews with Founder and Managing Editor Lynne DeSilva-Johnson about The Operating System are up as part of Entropy’s Small Press Database as well as at Culture Designers.
- With Ashraf Fayadh still imprisoned, we are doubly glad to see his work continuing to get deserved attention, hopefully bringing his story and words to more and more hands and eyes: Alex Bue’s reviews Instructions Within and discusses Ashraf’s case in his substantive “Ceiling Other than Sky” at Jacket2
- Love, Robot has beautiful reviews in The Chicago Review of Books , Publisher’s Weekly,
The Sundress Blog and Medium. - Peter Milne Greiner’s collection, Lost City Hydrothermal Field, had a standing room only launch in October at the Cinema of the Wythe Hotel, and received a starred review in Publisher’s Weekly. There is also an interview with PMG and Joanna Valente, who shared the stage at the launch, up at LunaLuna.
- Ashraf Fayadh has won the 2017 Oxfam Novib/PEN Award for Freedom of Expression. His book, Instructions Within, translated by Mona Kareem with Jonathan Wright and Mona Zaki, was longlisted for the 10th Annual Best Translated Book Awards; check out the “Why This Book Should Win [the BTBA]” article on Instructions Within on the Rochester website, by Riffraff Bookstore owner Emma Ramadan. Here’s an April 2017 review at The Messy Booker, a review and feature from Publisher’s Weekly around its release in October 2016, and an excerpt and interview with Mona Kareem at Words Without Borders.
- Amanda Ngoho Reavey’s Marilyn has won the 2016 award for Best Book of Creative Writing (Poetry) from the Association of Asian American Studies
- Margaret Randall on Resistance and the Role of Art in the Struggle for Justice, an interview with CA Conrad, at Lambda Literary.
- Johnny Damm’s hybrid poetry / graphic novel The Science of Things Familiar was released on 2/14 – check out some excerpts in Entropy, Drunken Boat, and Poetry — and this starred review at Publisher’s Weekly!
- Read reviews of Stephanie Heit’s The Color She Gave Gravity at Entropy and The Rumpus.
- Read reviews of Caits Meissner’s Let It Die Hungry at New Pages, Columbia Journal and 3:AM Magazine, an interview with Caits about the book in Tricycle Mag, and a poem from the book at Bust
- JP Howard named a finalist and Caits Meissner given Honorable Mention for the Split This Rock Freedom Plow Award for Poetry and Activism 2017. Listen to JP Howard’s inspiring words at the Award Ceremony, here.
- excerpts of Shabnam Piryaei’s forthcoming Nothing is Wasted (summer 2017) have recently appeared in Nailed Magazine, Apogee Journal, and The Awl — she’s also featured on this recent Painted Bride Quarterly podcast
- This Week In Books: To Have Been There Then by Gregory Randall, The Rumpus, January 2017
- JP Howard Named Lambda Literary’s Judith A. Markowitz Emerging Writer Award Winner, Lambda Literary, May 2016
- Rebecca Lazier and Dan Trueman on WNYC New Sounds Live, in dialogue about There Might Be Others, April 2016
- Inside Neptune Court with Anton Yakovlev, Huffington Post, July 2016
- Reviews of Mark Gurarie’s Everybody’s Automat at Publishers Weekly, Boog City, The Small Press Book Review, and in The Literary Review
- Mona Kareem, NPR’s Here & Now, February 2016
- An Interview with Amanda Ngoho Reavey and Managing Editor Lynne DeSilva-Johnson, The Conversant, November 2015
- Review of JP Howard’s Say/Mirror, Mom Egg Review, April 2015
- Rosebud Ben-Oni with JP Howard, The Conversant, February 2016
- Review of Amanda Ngoho Reavey’s Marilyn, Tayo Literary Magazine, December 2015
- Review of Amanda Ngoho Reavey’s Marilyn, American Microreviews and Interviews, 2015
- Lessons From Indie Poetry Presses: Poetry 2016, Publishers Weekly, April 2016
- The Operating System Q + A, Book Culture, May 2014
- An Interview With Lynne DeSilva Johnson, Wave Composition, May 2016
- “The Exorcism” by OS poet Anton Yakovlev, The New Yorker, October 2015