4th Annual NAPOMO 30/30/30 :: Day 12 :: Anton Yakovlev on Joshua Mehigan
Reading Joshua Mehigan's collections The Optimist (2004) and Accepting the Disaster (2014), I was struck by the understated, low-key way in which the author delivered the most impactful passages in his poems, causing them to go straight to the reader’s
If you happened by table Q13 this last week at AWP you'll know that we did our best to lure you with that ineffable combination of craft, collaboration, community, and, er
READINGS ROUNDUP :: AWP BOSTON 2013 :: Special Edition
The other night I was having dinner with my mother who asked me exactly what AWP was, and what I was going to be doing there. Since she'd visited me last year at the GC for the Chapbook festival, I
Hello, Exit Strata family! what an exciting year 2013 has already been. It's been a while since we checked in and shared a little update about goings on with our ever-evolving organization, and there's so much to tell you! Read on
on WORD :: REVIEW :: Peter Milne Greiner on Paige Lipari's 'Family of Many Enzos'
Peter Milne Greiner reviews Family of Many Enzos by Paige Lipari / Augury Books If the first planet from the sun is a hairy arm brandishing a serrated knife you have entered Paige Lipari’s known space. Family of Many Enzos, her first chapbook
POETRY MONTH 30/30/30: Inspiration, Community, Tradition: DAY 19 :: Jack Cooper on Hala Alyan
The Faces of Influence - John Jack Jackie (Edward) Cooper Faces or facets? Am I being facetious in considering fact a species of essence, even essences, precipitate—from the lot conjoined—a chemical residue, like water, plain oxygen: and if residue what of, why not, feces? Fax—is this, are they—iteration of facsimile? Effect, then, whether spelled—particularized—with e or a, Classical byproduct: aeffect,a lode of Pindarian award for aesthetic gain or distinction. I first saw—first beheld—Hala Alyan in the dark. She half sat, upright in the darkness familiar from unknown places. No pitch, the tentative sensual isolation adheres to bodies, but another vividly sensuous through which perception nears to the material: where Eros does prevail—palatial imagining, short-lived, with Psyche. Thanks, if such issue exist, conceded apology, acknowledgment, ripening gratitude flow from the misunderstanding, sundered conjunction, memory, recall, facsimile, fable (weakness of memory at maximum componential strength), influence.