Hello, Exit Strata family! what an exciting year 2013 has already been. It's been a while since we checked in and shared a little update about goings on with our ever-evolving organization, and there's so much to tell you! Read on
FIELD NOTES :: Now Playing on Nightbus Radio :: Dreamcatching in ASHEVILLE
This episode of Nightbus Radio's FIELD NOTES finds Jack Kennedy in Asheville, North Carolina. Have you met "Kennedy Karate" yet? Read the pre-quel intro to this Soundcloud Fellow's series HERE. NightBus Radio #2 - Dreamcatching In Asheville by kennedykarate Leaving Nashville seemed
FIELD NOTES :: Now Playing on Nomadic Nightbus Radio:: Jack "Kennedy Karate" Wants YOU
I’ve had one hell of a time in Nashville. I lost my virginity and my pride watching and listening to some insanely talented musicians playing on Broadway. My man on the scene, Christopher Walken, got an eye opening interview with