4th Annual NAPOMO 30/30/30 :: Day 13 :: Anthony Cappo on William Blake
I. When I first read William Blake in a Romantic Poetry class my junior year of college, it set off immediate shockwaves. I had read the Beats and knew that they were big Blake fans, but had never read any of his
4th Annual Poetry Month 30/30/30 :: Day 2 :: Sophia Starmack on Hafiz
In the 13th century, the Persian city of Shiraz was both a center of learning and artistic achievement, and a volatile and rebellious place marked by the decline of the Il-Khanid empire and the succession of short-lived rulers who scrabbled
4th Annual Poetry Month 30/30/30 :: Day 1 :: Diana Rickard on Akilah Oliver
[box]It's hard to believe that today's post marks the first of our FOURTH annual 30/30/30 series, and that when this month is over we will have seeded and scattered ONE HUNDRED and TWENTY of these love-letters, these stories of gratitude