Taking Stock/In Stock :: Editorial Updates AND at a Bookstore Near You

clockwise from top left: Exit Strata PRINT! vol. 1 “brownie”, PRINT! vol. 1 limited edition, blood atlas (DeSilva-Johnson), obsolete objects in the literary imagination (Pinder), limited edition vol.1 broadside
You know how, just when you think that everything is about to slow down, and you’re going to have time for all the things on your To-Do-list, which is looking more and more like an epic poem? And then, you know, it doesn’t slow down at all?
Yeah. Then.
Well, that’s kind of how it’s been since the print launch…
Fiction editor, DA Wright, has been in Maine on set for a feature film — and promoting Exit Strata on the local lit and art scene in Portland.
Poetry editor, Benjamin Wiessner, has been traveling around the South (mostly) promoting, filming, and in various states of production with ornana, whose terrific collaborative model he recently contributed a profile on.
As for me (Lynne) I’ve been holding down the ship here in NYC… and as I’ve been known to say, moving ONWARD!
Which means, somewhat bittersweetly, that I’ve been far more focused on moving our new series; FIELDNOTES, our events calendar (still very much in development! please send your announcements!); and other web content ahead than I have been on keeping you all up to date on the PRINT! issue itself, or on other news and community updates. I’ve only so many hands/hours in the day! Forgive me.
For those of you holding your breath for more in depth expo on the PRINT! vol 1 issue content and process, firstly — please breath — and second of all, it’s coming. When I get back from Colorado. Because I’ve been granted a week reprieve! oh rapture!
This Sunday in the weeist of hours, I am off to Naropa’s Summer Writing Program for Week two, Cultural Rhizomes and Intentional Communities, where I will be surrounded by some of my favorite people involved in poetry in NYC and beyond — including Bob Holman, CA Conrad, Allison Hedge Coke, Sherwin Bitsui, Stephen Motika, and my workshop leaders, Pierre Joris and Nicole Peyrafitte, who will be leading us through “domopoetics,” described as a collective experimental & heuristic daily practice that moves between Peyrafitte’s concept of “Vulvic space” — a homeomorphic topology or transformable conceptual space enhancing the exchanges between self & other(s) — and Joris’ nomadic writerly processes and their insistence on a “barzakh,” i.e. a navigable archipelago or archipelago “in-betweeness.”
I’m excited to be focusing during my time at Naropa on collaboration and blended media, especially in consideration of the work we are so dedicated to promoting and inspiring here, in the Exit Strata community. I’m also excited, on a personal note, to have the dedicated time to both literary and spiritual practice, with meditation every morning. I need it desperately so that I can continue to give everything I have to this work. Building community takes not only love but physical energy!
We love to look like a functioning, financially sound organization but we aren’t ashamed to say that like many small publishing concerns, despite our outward appearances we are in fact simply a group of dedicated individuals with many other jobs (mine totally somewhere averaging 60 hrs a week, for instance) who have given themselves to this work because we believe in it, and because we believe in you, and in US.
We’re in the process of procuring our 501c3 status, jumping on the crowdfunding train, beefing up our staff [I do believe it’s intern time this coming fall!], and growing ourselves from shoestring to, perhaps, light twine, but in the meanwhile if you wonder why there’s a lapse here and there it’s probably because we’re out sowing the other parts of our lives in support of this magazine… sigh! That said, we appreciate your support! If you ever feel so inspired to show us your love in financial love or sweat equity, please do not hesitate to contact us at editors@exitstrata.com!
Ok. Away with the tiny violins. Under the category of GOOD NEWS and ANNOUNCEMENTS!
We’re excited to note that we will be reading and tabling at the Poetry Festival on Governor’s Island, on July 21 – 22nd. Our reading will be at 2:50 on Sunday, on the WHITE HORSE stage, which we share on that day with Metrorhythm, The Poetry Brothel and Gigantic, among others. It looks like it’s going to be an amazing and inspiring weekend. The full schedule is here.
You can pick up the remaining limited edition Exit Strata PRINT! Vol 1 edition and broadside, as well as the standard “brownie” edition, at our table. In the meanwhile, you can find us in NYC** and Portland, Maine at these fine booksellers!
Portland, ME:
**Friends in remote –er, non NYC — locations, do not despair! You can order the regular edition of Exit Strata PRINT! Vol 1 from the pajama’d privacy of your own computer via Amazon or other online purveyors of books (click here)! You can always also order directly from us via email to editors@exitstrata.com for the standard cover price plus S&H.
Stay tuned for the date and time info for our upcoming Summer Salon, contribute to our online series, email your event listings, send us your submissions for PRINT! Vol.2 , write us into your will, and wish us good day, sir!
Bloomsday is tomorrow, by the by.