NYC Readings Roundup: March 18-24

Ammiel Alcalay at a recent reading at Saint Marks Bookshop (w/ Ana Bozicevic), 2/27/13
Editor’s note: welcome to the 4th iteration of our new weekly series, the Readings Roundup…which you might notice is growing steadily! Sorry if I’m repeating myself to some of you but if this is your first time here it bears noting that it’s long been a pipedream of ours to revive the NYC Poetry Calendar (started in 1977 by Bob Holman), to provide for the community here a true and cohesive overview of the vibrant scene that seems to birth a new event every day.
How does a poet new to New York or just new to the readings landscape figure out where to go, what these different events and organizations represent and offer?
We have a habit of biting off more than we can chew, so even though we have an overwhelmingly robust spreadsheet we’re working on making into an interactive page on the site, in future, we decided not to wait. In the meanwhile, we’ll start small — featuring in particular long running events and venues, making sure always to keep a healthy balance between styles and associations. We are judgement free and love filled, we’re just excited people are writing, reading, and sharing this important form. Come out!
– Lynne DeSilva-Johnson, Poetry/Managing Editor
Monday Night Poetry: Monica Ferrell + Arisa White @ KGB Bar
7-9pm | free admission
Poets will read from their most recent collections.
Poseur: A Memoir of Downtown New York City in the 90s with Marc Spitz and Chuck Klosterman
@ Housing Works Bookstore Cafe
begins 7pm | free admission
Marc Spitz, author of the profane and witty tell-all Poseur: A Memoir of Downtown New York City in the 90s, in conversation with Chuck Klosterman.
louderARTS Poetry Open Mic @ Bar 13
7:30-10pm | free admission
Sign up for open mic and form slam at 7PM. Arrive early for pre-show workshop [6-7pm], an informal drop in workshop series.
A.L. Nielson & Evie Shockley @ The Poetry Project at Saint Marks Church
begins 8pm | $8, $7 students and seniors, $5 for Poetry Project Members
Poets will read from their most recent collections.
Saturn Series Poetry @ Revival Bar
8-10pm | free admission
Saturn Series Poetry is a writers’ open mic every Monday night. This is not a slam, it is simply great poetry, prose and sometimes a song or two in a great listening room. The styles are varied with poets, playwrights, screenwriters and novelists.
By Light of the Nerve Lantern @ La MaMa Experimental Theater Club
8-10pm | $10, $8 for students and seniors
A night of dynamic poetry to celebrate the release of Nerve Lantern: Axon of Performance Literature issue 6. Featuring performances by PRINT! Vol. 2 contributor Joel Allegretti alongside Kim Essex, Jessica Hagemann, Kris Lew, Patrick Scanlon and John J. Trause.
Queer in America @ 92nd Street Y
8:15pm | $29
Author and cofounder of the suicide-prevention organization the Trevor Project, James Lecesne brings together an amazing lineup of writers including Amy Bloom, Michael Cunningham, Brian Selznick, Paul Rudnick and Doug Wright. They’ll talk about current efforts to help LGBT youth and read entries from The Letter Q: Queer Writers’ Notes to Their Younger Selves.
Passwords: Graham Foust & Samuel Frederick on Ernst Meister @ Poets House
begins 7pm | $10, $7 for students and seniors, free to Poets House Members
Poet Graham Foust and German literature scholar Samuel Frederick share their exquisite new translation of the penultimate book by existential German poet Ernst Meister (1911-1979), In Time’s Rift.
Reading: Alission Hedge Coke + LaTasha Diggs @ Manhattanville College (East Room, Reid Hall)
begins 7pm | free admission
Real Characters @ McNally Jackson
begins 7pm | free admission
Comedian Andy Ross’s monthly showcase invites writers, actors and stand-ups to read funny essays or perform their latest laughable stage creations.
Allison Adelle Hedge Coke & Mark Pawlak @ The Poetry Project at St Mark’s Church
begins 8pm | $8, $7 students and seniors, $5 for Poetry Project Members
Poets will read from their most recent collections.
Naked Girls Reading Salon @ Kraine Theater
begins 8pm | $8
A monthly nude literary salon featuring in-the-buff readings by local burlesque luminaries, professional librarians, authors and other Naked Girls.
Uptown Open Mic @ Harlem Stage
Crazy Brave: An Evening with Joy Harjo @ National Museum of the American Indian
begins 6pm | free admission
A reading by Joy Harjo, followed by Harjo in conversation with poet Joe Bruchac. This reading is part of Native Innovation: Indigenous American Poetry in the 21st Century.
Red Hen Press @ Cornelia Street Cafe
begins 6pm | $7
Red Hen Press authors John Barr, Ernest Hilbert, Mary Johnson, and Brynn Saito will read from their work.
New Works Reading @ Wollman Hall (The New School)
Cave Canem Fellows Marcus Wicker, r erica doyle & Bianca Spriggs read from their recently released collections of poetry.
Drunken Careening Writers @ KGB Bar
7-9pm | free admission
Drunken! Careening! Writers! is a reading series based on the proposition that all readings should be by: 1) Good Writers; 2) Who read their work well; 3) Something in it makes people laugh (nervous laughter counts). And 15 minutes tops. Featuring Greg Sanders, Charlie Vázquez and Chris Weikel.
Queer Division III @ Bureau of General Services–Queer Division
7-9pm | free admission
Andrew Durbin presents Queer Division III: celebrating the release of Rachel Levitsky‘s new book The Story of My Accident Is Ours just out from Futurepoem. Readers: Rachel Levitsky, erica kaufman and Michelle Betters
Vica Miller Spring Fiction Salon & Benefit @ 287 Spring Art Gallery & Performance Space
begins 7pm | $20 – RSVP is a must. All proceeds go to The Speyer Legacy School.
Readings by Marie-Helene Bertino – winner of The 2012 Iowa Short Fiction Award – Karolina Waclawiak, Vica Miller and Catherine Chung.
Pete’s Reading Series @ Pete’s Candy Store
begins 7:30pm | free admission
For ten years running, Pete’s has earned a reputation as one of Brooklyn’s premier reading series. Readings by M. Henderson Ellis and Ann Hood.
Native Innovation Symposium: Day One @ Poets House (Kray Hall)
6-9pm | $10; $7 for students and seniors; free to Poets House Members
Readings by Natalie Diaz, Orlando White, Santee Frazier, Cedar Sigo and Roberta Hill. This reading is part of Native Innovation: Indigenous American Poetry in the 21st Century.
Amnesty International Letter Writing Party & Poetry Reading @ LaunchPad
7:30-10:30pm | $5-$20 (sliding scale) All proceeds will be donated back into the LaunchPad community space.
This is the final event of Women Love the World (WLTW) – a three day festival and fundraiser co-curated by Awesome Creator and PRINT! Vol 2 contributor Caits Meissner ( alongside Karla Rodriguez and Lehna Huie. WLTW is dedicated to the journeys of women artists who live as activists, healing our world daily. Readings by Tina Chang, Angel Nafis, Cheryl Boyce-Taylor, Tonya Foster, Tahani Salah and Caits Meissner
Friday Night Slam @ The Nuyorican Poets Cafe
begins 10pm | $10
Watch professional poets perform and spit! Judges are 5 randomly chosen members of our audience. Tickets for General Admission are $10.
Native Innovation Symposium: Day Two @ Poets House (Kray Hall)
11am-10pm | $10; $7 for students and seniors; free to Poets House Members
This event examines a range of issues, including native languages, traditional storytelling, formal innovation and Native American politics and more. Conversation, presentation and readings by Allison Hedge Coke, Sherwin Bitsui, Santee Frazie, Cedar Sigo, Maurice Kenny, Roberta Hill, Jennifer Foerster and James Thomas Stevens.
The Segue Reading Series @ Zinc Bar
4:30-6:30pm | $5
Segue hosts this experimental reading series that has run continuously for 25 years. Featuring readings and performance by Fiona Templeton and Erin Morrill.
Reading: Filip Noterdaeme w/ Penny Arcade @ Bureau of General Services–Queer Division
7-9pm | free admission
Filip Noterdaeme reads from his new book The Autobiography of Daniel J. Isengart, aconceptual memoir written in the style of Gertrude Stein’s The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas.
The Poetry Brothel’s Equine Equinox: The Horses of Spring @ Forgotten Works Studio
9pm-2am | $10 – buy now
This interactive performance series constitutes a literary cathouse, where male and female “poetry whores” provide private readings behind closed curtains. There will be tarot, body paint, women flying through the air and shadow puppet theater all focused on the horse, the lengthening day, and your bright spirits. Featuring Jennifer Knox, Niina Polari and Cosette Chapiteau on aerials.
Native Innovation Symposium: Day Three @ Poets House (Kray Hall)
12:45-6:30pm | $10; $7 for students and seniors; free to Poets House Members
This event examines a range of issues, including native languages, traditional storytelling, formal innovation and Native American politics and more. Conversation, presentation and readings by Orlando White, Karenne Wood, Joe Bruchac, Joy Harjo, Natalie Diaz Sherwin Bitsui and Maurice Kenny.
Zinc Bar Reading Series: Curated by Lungfull! @ Zinc Bar
5:30pm | $5 admission goes to the readers.
Readings by Thomas Fucaloro and Stan Marcus.
Sunday Night Fiction @ KGB Bar
7-9pm | free admission
The KGB Bar Sunday Night Fiction showcases the finest in contemporary fiction from new and emerging writers. Featuring Brando Skyhorse, Soren Stockman and Mary Hanlon.
Resources: Events Calendar
Poets and Writers (P&W) Literary Events Calendar (Filter by City, State) Poetry Project Calendar
Belladonna* Reading Series KGB Bar Calendar
Nuyorican Poets Cafe Calendar Poets House Calendar
Time Out New York | Book Events
The series is overseen by Managing/Poetry Editor Lynne DeSilva-Johnson and maintained by Taylor Quilty, Exit Strata Program Assistant. Please email to submit your event/organization with READINGS ROUNDUP in the subject line for inclusion in future listings!