The Operating System

FIELD NOTES: JACOB PERKINS :: From the Cannery : Part 5, The Long Haul :: Exhaustion, Mistress Mine

Editor’s update: our man in Alaska is in the midst of tonnes of tuna…er, sockeye salmon… you get the drift: a lot of fish.
He reports fatigue of the almost unbelievably backbreaking variety, the type that relies on dogged perseverance alone. As has happened to all of us in these simultaneously frustrating and invigorating times, writing falls by the wayside… but in the service of satisfying, seemingly “real” work, wherein the mind enters a nearly zen state and stops getting in the way.
Somehow, to spend a few moments looking, depicting in film or pen and ink doesn’t require the same effort as words so a few drawings pepper the spaces between. We congratulate Jacob, his dad, and their team on a banner harvest.
He writes: 
I can hardly move right now. It is a record breaking year so far. We’ve been open for the last eight days straight and will probably not close until the first of August. I can’t really relate to you how tired I am at this point but we’re almost half way through the season and we are destroying past seasons. I won’t sleep for the next two weeks probably. It’s been about as many preceding today. If I could write I would, but I can’t. One thing on my mind right now: working through it.

Other than that I am extremely high on adrenaline right now and excited as hell to continue working. We are doing quite well as far as the price is concerned. Holding at 1.45/lb. We’ll have 100,000 lbs by the end of this show.


ED: Every time you eat a sandwich, or sushi, of sea-caught fish of any kind, there are humans on a boat working grueling hours to provide you with that privilege. Stay abreast of the illusions of too-easy consumption.


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FIELD NOTES  from the Cannery:

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