In celebration of Awesome Creators OPENINGS Collective upcoming group show, Frenzy into Folly, Exit Strata is currently featuring the work of the 38 participating artists weekly in anticipation of and through the run [TONIGHT, September 14 – October 26, 2012] – so that our community near and far can have an opportunity to be exposed to this work even if you aren’t able to attend.
Of course, if you’re local, please *do* join us at next week’s opening reception and celebration!
Thursday – September 20th, 7-9pm
Location : Church of St. Paul the Apostle
Corner of West 60th & Columbus Ave. (212) 265-3495
New York, New York 10019
[Open Hours: Mon – Fri 7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Sat – Sun 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.]
WITHOUT FURTHER ADO! This week’s artists: Michael Berube, Rebecca Simon, Virgil Alderson, Sarah Hollars, Tim Rusterholz
Aesthetically, it questions concepts of beauty and taste, camp and high art, the sacred and the secular, commodity and its interaction with art and popular culture, all of which subsequently engages us in a conversation about identity politics.
The piece reflects its context here in the Church of St. Paul the Apostle through sly humor by choosing as its subject Crunchy Fish Sticks, which can be interpreted as representing loaves and fishes.
website :
Il Milagro signifies for me the beauty and splendor that is Mexico.
I made it by hand, using plain old craftsmanship and technology.It is made of two thousand hand made glass tiles. Each embossed with some beauty of Mexico. The Lighting is driven by a genetic algorithm known as a One Dimensional Cellular Automata.
It means to me the “Milagro” that is Mexico, and all of its people.
The number 49 is significant in relation to the Korean Drama 49 days which explores the Buddhist idea of there being 49 days between the physical death of a body and the soul leaving earth. This transformation exists in the same realm as the houses, there is no conclusive evidence as to existence of the soul or its lack there of and yet the 49 days are accepted by a culture. I feel a question mark should always hang in the air for nothing is ever in black and white; we should always be exploring and debating our own personal reality and beliefs.
website: http://sarahhollars.

Plaster, Styrofoam
Overwhelming frenzy is a pervasive theme within the walls of a Catholic Church. Notable examples lie in theatrical altarpieces and ceiling paintings of Baroque art. Master artists portrayed divinity by transcending human limits with stunning visuals of virtuosity and illusion. The history of Christian
