ART :: GEORGIA ELROD : HERE AND HERE :: Now at John Davis Gallery in Hudson, NY
The paintings and drawings of Georgia Elrod invite poetry -- or perhaps they are poetry? -- in so far as in transmuting experience into visual form, they perform the inverse maneuver: asking more questions even as they answer the ancient riddle,
Guest Blogger: GEORGIA ELROD: NYC ART RECS: What to see now
Exit Strata is pleased to present community member Georgia Elrod's curated list of work now showing at NYC galleries, from the well known and established to the obscure and avant garde, across the boroughs -- here she offers a generous array of selections demonstrating the breadth and diversity of today's art scene.
Right now there's so much great work being shown. Often after leaving Chelsea I feel disappointed but yesterday was not the case, there are a lot of great shows there. Being a painter myself, a lot of these recommendations are painting shows. There are so many more but here are some highlights worth seeing. Some are about to close so do it now!
Check out:
Sarada Rauch "Jellyfish Piano", @ AC Institute [image above]
547 W. 27th, #610, NYC
Through May 26th
Ariel Dill "Oscillations" @ Southfirst
60 N. 6th, Williamsburg BK
Through May 27th
Jeremy Willis "Jackie and Judy" @ Allegra LaViola
179 E. Broadway, NYC
Kristen Jensen "It's No One's Fault" @ Norte Maar
83 Wykoff Ave, Bushwick BK